Daughter of Earth Daughter of Earth

Recipe: Bali Bliss Cacao

“FOOD OF THE GODS” TO HONOR THE “ISLAND OF THE GODS”. I recently returned from an unforgettable journey in Bali and the Indonesian Islands; praying in waterfalls and cave temples, rewilding in the jungle, making offerings, creating and connecting deeply with spirit. When I stay any place around the world, as a Daughter of Earth, I feel an importance to connect to the land and the indigenous medicinal herbs, spices and foods. I was inspired by the local grown plants and flavors of clove, pandan, coconut and ginger & turmeric of the Jamu Juice to create a Cacao elixir recipe. My intention was to capture some of the magic of Bali and hope it helps to connect you to this sacred land through the senses too!

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Daughter of Earth Daughter of Earth

New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius. Cosmic Medicine and Rituals. The New Moon sets in Sagittarius today with hope, optimism and a new trajectory. After an intense time of being pushed to our edges, coming face to face with our shadows and possibly a forceful need for change, Sagittarius arrives with a lightness and grace with an adventurous spirit to explore an unknown territory.

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Moon Musings, Rituals, Cosmic Medicine Daughter of Earth Moon Musings, Rituals, Cosmic Medicine Daughter of Earth

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo 4°

Saturday August 27th

1:17 AM PST.

Grab your candles, a cup of Cacao and refresh your altars beloveds.

This New Moon is a great time to utilize Earth medicines to clear energy and restore harmony. Think crystals, plant medicines, herbs and essential oils. The New Moon is in Virgo, the sign of the Priestess who works with the natural elements to bring order and alignment.

This lunation is giving us a boost to devote ourselves to our daily rituals and natural health routines. We are supported in making improvements on the day-to-day basis towards wellness and healing.

A purification is happening this New Moon. This is an opportunity for a clean up, detox and fresh start in the areas of life where we need it.

Virgo is the altar maker and ultimate ceremonialist. As an Earth sign, they see the divine perfection in life by recognizing and honoring patterns, cycles and seasons of the Natural World.

This is a lovely time to begin noticing the seasonal changes, work with the Moon cycles and start tracking and honoring your own natural rhythms.

Virgo brings up themes around devotion to sacred work and service. The New Moon invites reflection of our own contribution and offerings.

Be mindful of the Inner-Critic, perfectionism and nit-picking. Notice when you’re being too hard on yourself. Pay attention to what isn’t working to clear it out but keep your focus on the bigger picture!

Read below for insight on what area of life will be highlighted this lunar cycle.


Where the New Moon is supporting a smudge and a fresh start.

Check your Sun and Rising Sign.

ARIES - Wellness, Health, New routines, Service

TAURUS- Self-Expression, Creativity, Passionate Pursuits

GEMINI- Home, Family, Emotions, Self-Nurturing

CANCER- Connections, Communication, The Mind

LEO- Self-Worth, Food/What you eat, Wealth, Finances, Skills, Talents

VIRGO- Self, Identity, Sovereignty, Authenticity

LIBRA- Dreams, Mystical Union, Spiritual Healing

SCORPIO- Community, Friends, Activism, Social Media

SAGITTARIUS- Career, Contribution, Dharma, Leadership

CAPRICORN- Consciousness, Beliefs, Travel, Spiritual Community

AQUARIUS- Transformation, Intimacy, Sexuality, Inheritances

PISCES- Relationships, Partnerships, Romantic Partner, Clients


Suggested rituals for cleansing and grounding.

Smudge + Cleanse- A deep clean of your space, your body and your psyche is supported this lunation. There's an invitation to declutter and clear stagnant energy. Smudging with herbs or using Agua de Florida, can help with the job.

  • Spray Agua de Florida around your body to cleanse your aura and uplift your mood.

  • Spray to lighten the energy in a room or space, leaving a fresh smelling scent.

  • Create sacred space- spray before and/or after meditation, yoga, shamanic journey, ceremony, readings, healing sessions, sacred circles etc.

Reset or Make an Altar- An altar can be a physical representation for your intentions or for something you are calling in. Make a dedicated space to focus your energy on connection to the Divine and your Higher Self on a daily basis. You can add crystals, candles, flowers, photos, figurines, incense, feathers, seashells... Any sacred item that remind you of your intention or sparks feelings of love or sentiment.

Begin a Daily Ritual- Devote to daily practices for good health. Start with a simple routine that will be easy to get to everyday.

Try this Upon waking

  • Have a full glass of water or warm water with lemon.

  • Follow a Guided Grounding Meditation like this Meditation on Insight Timer.

  • Set your intentions for the day over a cup of Daily Ritual Cacao (See below for a recipe!) or your brew of choice.

Include an Evening Ritual that helps you relax and sleep better. Calming chamomile tea, a detoxing salt bath and body oiling with Sacred Sage Ritual Oil before bed will soothe the nervous system and cleanse your energy from the day.


- How can I be of service?

- What area of life needs reorganization? What can I let go of?

- What are my dreams and visions and what can I work on daily to move towards them?

- How has my dedication and hard work paid off? What do I want to direct my energy into next?

For deeper insight into how the planets are dancing in your chart, Book an Astrology Reading.

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