Aries New Moon | Solar Eclipse

photo : Ferran Freixa

We are in a process—a portal— not yet knowing what’s on the other side… Eclipse Season is here!

We start with an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 19th and then a peak moment on the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 5th. AND just to add in another flavor of chaos…The Cosmic Trickster Mercury, is in retrograde April 21st - May 14th.

There is an invitation to lean back and trust the Cosmic Order. Even in the chaos, there is reason, meaning and beauty.

These are fated moments where we make timeline jumps and quantum leaps on our evolutionary soul journey. It’s best to strap in and find some enjoyment in the ride! Especially with Sun moving into Taurus on the 20th, we’ll want to be seeking more pleasure, beauty and making joy a priority.

There is an opportunity to witness what’s weaving in and out of your life, respond with courage and willingness to let go what is in the way of achieving your goals and ambitions.

Take note what’s happening during these transformative times. With more awareness, we can move through this portal with a graceful warrior mindset — trusting we’ll breakthrough onto the other side with more wisdom, clarity and embodiment.

Here are some tips for this Eclipse Season::

01. Gather your tools and medicines that help keep you present in the moment.

02. Follow your own path.

03. Keep your energy cleansed and moving.

04. Make space for flexibility.

05. Let go of what no longer serves.

06. Embrace courage and freedom

07. Make love with your shadows.


Aries is action and initiative energy. Normally, New Moons would be a time of reflection and inward focus. While it still will be, there’s also an undercurrent of motivating force and drive pushing us forward into action towards our goals and ambitions.

New Moons are great times to plant seeds of intention. With the eclipse, there is a charged energy for our fate and destiny to align.

This set of eclipses specifically holds new beginnings and endings. With Mercury retrograde in the mix, we have an opportunity to revisit our intentions and reflect on what has been holding us back and how we want to move forward.

If your setting intentions on this New Moon, you may want to think about how you can bring some inspired and aligned action into your rituals.

An action that moves toward your intention can be a ritual in itself. For example: if my intention is to move to a desired location, my ritual would be some action toward that goal. So it might look like visiting the location, researching, looking up rentals etc.

Come the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse a couple weeks later, we may see what’s needing to be shed, let go of and transmuted in order to stay on the path toward that goal. This feels more like it could be an intense emotional or psychological process than physically letting go of something, as the waters and psyche is more of Scorpio’s terrain but with eclipse energy— it’s wise to expect the unexpected.

There could be a lot of excitement during this time as well as facing fears. Aries is the Warrior archetype so we can focus on the courage and fire to burn away whatever fear or scarcity story is in the way (I’m not enough, I’m not worthy, I can’t, I don’t have enough..etc).

What you long for is sacred. You deserve greatness and the entire Universe is working in your favor! xx


Recipe: Bali Bliss Cacao


Self-Love Rituals