A Guide to Slowing Down

Opportunites through out your day to move a little slower.

Slowing down can increases awareness, contentment, pleasure, and connect us to our true selves in the present moment. If we slow down, we can bring more intention and mindfulness for overall wellbeing.

If you notice your bodys stress response giving you signals of imbalance - overwhelm, anxiety, moodiness, it may be a sign to slow down.

Learning to slow down is a practice that can be accessible for anyone at any time of the day. It could be as simple as taking some mindful breaths or taking on an normal activity with a different approach.

Slowing down helps us to be more present with what is actually in front of us and going on within us. It signals to the body that its okay to relax more, what is seemingly urgent isn’t, and we can get out of the fight or flight stress response that can be harmful to our health.

Winter time is the perfect time to move more in flow with the state of nature. If we look at nature during this time, we can see reflections from the Earth that send messages to become more quiet and preserve our energy for the rebirth of spring.

Here are 7 Holistic Health Tips for Slowing Down this season. Some of these tips are suggestions for general mindful living. Try one thing from this list and slowly start incorporating some others. Make it yours, adjusting within your lifestyle.

01. Be slow to rise

Often we are jumping out of our beds, starting our days by checking our email or phones and not allowing much time for the tender transition from our sacred dream time to the waking world. If you don’t have anywhere to be at a certain time- why not linger a bit in bed, cozying up with the warm bedding and taking in deep nuturing breaths. If you’re on a schedule, wake up a little earlier to reflect on the messages of your dreams instead of going straight to your email messages. Start your morning phone-free and bring to mind what you are grateful for before moving into your day.

02. Morning Ritual for connection

Have a go-to ritual in the morning for connection to yourself. Journaling or Morning Pages (from the book the Artists Way) can be helpful to begin your day with a clearer mind and increase creativity. Light some insence, make a tea or cacao elixir and sip slowly with the intention to connect to your self.

03. Eat a meal mindfully

Before you eat, take a moment to acknowledge your meal in front of you, give thanks for the journey the food took on it’s way to you, including other hands and helpers that made it possible. Some people like to hover their hands above their food or pray over it. You can also take 3 breaths to ground and center before digging in. Find a way to connect to your food that feels the most authentic for you.  While eating, notice the colors, textures and tastes of the food and how it feels going into your body. As you focus your awareness on the art of eating instead of turning your focus to a social conversation, television or anything else, you become more and more present.

04. Get a little help from our Plant Friends

It may be hard to slow down if our nervous system is unregulated and wired to preform in this fast paced world we live in. Herbal medicines and plants categorized as Adaptogens, can help nourish and adapt to daily stressors of Life. A favorite of mine is Tulsi (Holy Basil), who is calming and relaxing yet also strengthens immunity and protects against stress.

05. Breathe + Meditate

A sure way of slowing down the thoughts and bringing more mindfulness into incorportating more slowness your life. For an easy way to incorporate breath and meditation, pair it with a ritual you already do everyday. Try having at least a 5 min meditation after making your morning beverage or taking 3 breaths before having your first meal of the day.

06. Move Slow

Get outside for a meditative walk, notice the flowers, take in your environment through the senses, feeling the weather and temperature of the wind against your skin. Connect your breath to movement in a vinyasa yoga class or melt into the Earth in a Restorative Yoga pose.

07. Break from Tech

The increase of the use of technology is overwhelming for our nervous systems and often puts us in fight or flight mode. Taking a break from social media and using the phone or computer for a few hours, days, or week can offer a great reset and slow the mind down.

Which tips is your body calling for the most?

For more holistic health tips and guidance make sure to sign up for our e-mails and check back on the blog soon. xx


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