New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius 1°
Wednesday November 23rd
2:57 PM PST.

Aim Your Arrows.

Welcome to a new beginning. Can you feel the shift already? We made it through Scorpio Season and the eclipses. Congratulations! I know for most of us it wasn't easy...

We dove to the depths, got shaken up, shifted around and re-attuned during the eclipses. Where have you grown in ways you didn't know before?

Maybe it got a little dark, a little scary or uncertain but we start to notice and celebrate the growth after making our way through. Now we get to sort through and decide what to do with what we found on our underworld journey.

What are you letting go of? What are your dreams and visions knowing what you know now?

We may not have the big picture yet but we do know that letting go gives way to liberation and expansion. That death cycles its way into rebirth and compost becomes fertile soil.

We are growing in substantial ways, belief systems being reprogrammed, our horizons expand and we move into celebrating all we've been through with faith in a new beginning.

The New Moon sets in Sagittarius today with hope, optimism and a new trajectory. After an intense time of being pushed to our edges, coming face to face with our shadows and possibly a forceful need for change, Sagittarius arrives in lightness and grace with an adventurous spirit to explore an unknown territory.

Where are you shooting your arrow next?

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, goes direct today as well. After being retrograde for the past few months, Jupiter is bringing expansive blessings to the area of your chart he is traveling through.

This is a time of abundance. Call it in, align to it, clear what ever is in the way of receiving these blessings. Focus on your passions, talents, authentic heart callings and your inner truth to lead the way.

Being in a state of gratitude will help align to the energy of abundance to bring more of what we are grateful for. What a perfect timing with Thanksgiving tomorrow-the Universe makes no mistakes!

With it also being a good time to expand our minds and consciousness, perhaps we can set our intentions around doing so. Maybe you like to begin a new spiritual practice, commit to yoga routine, daily meditation, work with plant medicines or travel.

Or- check below for insight into the area of life that will be highlighted during this New Moon and find some inspiration for your personal journey!

Where the New Moon is supporting an optimistic new beginning.
Check your Sun and Rising Sign.

ARIES - Consciousness, Beliefs, Travel, Spiritual Community
TAURUS- Transformation, Intimacy, Sexuality, Inheritances
GEMINI- Relationships, Partnerships, Clients
CANCER- Wellness, Health, New routines, Service
LEO- Self-expression, Creativity, Passions, Children
VIRGO- Home, Family, Emotions, Self-Nurturing
LIBRA- Connections, Communication, The Mind
SCORPIO- Self-Worth, Finances, Values
SAGITTARIUS- Self, Identity, Sovereignty, Authenticity
CAPRICORN- Dreams, Mystical Union, Spiritual Healing
AQUARIUS- Community, Friends, Activism, Social Media
PISCES- Career, Contribution, Dharma, Leadership

Want deeper insight into how the planets are dancing in your chart?
Schedule an Astrology Reading with Alexa!


Suggested rituals for balancing and harmonizing.


Suggested rituals for expansion and growth

Gratitude Journaling -
Write a list of all the things you are grateful for and get into a flow. If your mood is down and you find it hard to find something to be grateful for, start simple and basic like being grateful for a roof over your head, food to eat and a bed to sleep on. Cultivating gratitude is a practice that expands the more you focus on it. Guarantee you'll feel a shift in your energy and the energy you attract if you stick to it!

The practice of microdosing psychedelics is becoming more widely known, appreciated and accepted for it's therapeutic benefits. It has been studied on alleviating mild depression, anxiety, stress and ptsd. Microdosing can also work to expand your perception of reality, increase consciousness and creativity and contribute to more connected compassionate relationships. Exploring and expanding the mind and forming new belief systems is Sagittarius's field so this can be a great time to dip your toes in. Send me a message if you are curious about talking more about microdosing and if it's right for you! If it isn't your thing, taking a ritual or ceremonial dose of Cacao can have similar benefits.

Learn Something New + Make New Friends-
Sign up for an online class or venture out to take a continuing education course. You can also intermingle with different cultural backgrounds and ethnicities to broaden your intellect.

An invitation to join me in circle I'm co-facilitating with Sramana- an online conscious community exploring higher ideals and virtues. We have donation-based weekly conversations rooted in Yogic Philosophy, Shamanic Tradition and Self Contemplation. Join the group for free + connect with community!

- How can I align with my authentic truth?
- How have I noticed my growth in the last few months?
- If my heart had a voice, what would it be saying?


A Guide to Slowing Down


New Moon in Libra