New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra 2°
Sunday September 25th
2:55 PM PST.

In each other we find ourselves.

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin ~ meaning, “all of my relations” is a simple yet profound statement from the Lakota Nation reflecting the interconnectedness of all beings. It acknowledges all as family or relatives without whom we would not live, as we are all apart of the Great Mystery.

Libra represents this sacred mirror in our relationships as the pathway to the Divine. In the search for ourselves, we find each other and vice versa. Notice what triggers you about others. When jealousy or insecurity comes up, what wisdom can be gained through these reflections? Likewise, in noticing the beauty and gifts in another, can you acknowledge the magic that also exists within you?

This New Moon in Libra provides a theme of balance, justice, peacemaking, harmonizing and equality in our relationships. We have an opportunity to consider what shifts need to take place for the health of all of our relations.

Consider ALL your relationships - including with the Earth, the plants, animals, with Spirit and the relationship that affects all relationships- the one you have with yourself, your inner feminine and masculine energy.

Where may the the scales be tipped? Are you taking without giving back? Alternatively, are you giving too much to relationships that may not deserve your devotion? Are you allowing yourself to truly receive?
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Here in Peru, where I am living in this moment, there is a word Ayni. In Quechua, (the oldest native language of the Andes) the word describes an intimate relationship with life through reciprocity, or the giving/receiving exchange of energy. It is believed that in order for life to maintain balance, there is always a sacred relationship of energy. When we take, we must give back as good stewards of the Earth to restore the flow of the Universe.

Ayni offers an opportunity to restore balance within our relationships with an inhale-exhale type of exchange from the heart. May this practice bring our energy into balance with all of our relations.

Libra is an air element sign, so invite lightness and play into this time of recalibration! This new moon symbolizes new beginnings and clarity, however with Mercury still in retrograde until October 2nd, it is wise to make space for flexibility and openness to change in how your intentions may manifest this moon-th.

Read below for insight on what area of life will be highlighted this lunar cycle and ritual ideas for this New Moon in Libra.

Where the New Moon is supporting a new equilibrium.
Check your Sun and Rising Sign.

ARIES - Relationships, Partnerships, Romantic Partner, Clients
TAURUS- Wellness, Health, New routines, Service
GEMINI- Self-expression, Creativity, Passions, Children
CANCER- Home, Family, Emotions, Self-Nurturing
LEO- Connections, Communication, The Mind
VIRGO- Self-Worth, Food/What you eat, Finances, Talents, Values
LIBRA- Self, Identity, Sovereignty, Authenticity
SCORPIO- Dreams, Mystical Union, Spiritual Healing
SAGITTARIUS- Community, Friends, Activism, Social Media
CAPRICORN- Career, Contribution, Dharma, Leadership
AQUARIUS- Consciousness, Beliefs, Travel, Spiritual Community
PISCES- Transformation, Intimacy, Sexuality, Inheritances

Want deeper insight into how the planets are dancing in your chart?
Schedule an Astrology Reading with Alexa!


Suggested rituals for balancing and harmonizing.

Alternate Nostril Breathing | Nadi Shodana - A yogic breath work practice to balance yin/yang, feminine/masculine, left/right brain energies. If you're new to this practice, follow these instructions here.

Make an offering to the land you are on-
Offer flowers, leaves, crystals, water or nature item to give back to the land in gratitude. Tobacco is a common offering in Native American cultures and where I am in Peru, it's common to make offerings with Coca leaves.

To make the offering, infuse your gratitude and prayers for Mother Earth and all she provides into the items. You may like to leave them in a sacred place in your garden, under a favorite tree or in your favorite nature spot.

Eyegazing is a beautiful meditative practice from the Buddhist tradition to do with another person or with yourself in the mirror. It allows us to see each other for who we are- beyond the veil. It has many benefits including be able to access past-life information, build intimacy and promote presence.

To eyegaze with another-
1. Set an intention- for example to connect or to heal.
2. Pick an amount of time (about 5 minutes at least) or choose a heart-felt song to play for the practice.
3. Sit comfortably in front of your partner with your eyes closed and take a few breaths to quiet the mind.
4. Start a timer or play the song and begin gazing into each others eyes.
5. Focus on one eye and notice what comes up. You may experience colors, visions, insights, downloads, feelings, emotions and expressions. Let it be what is it allowing the experience to unfold.
6. After the time is up you may like to close the practice with sharing and embracing the other.

It's also really powerful to eye gaze with yourself in the mirror if you don't have a partner!

- What area of my life needs re-balancing?
- Where is my energy best utilized and appreciated? Where is it drained?
- How can I create more harmony in all my relations?
- What am I learning about myself in relationship to others?

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